
Tuesday, September 28, 2004

Just as blogger has changed quite a bit since my last post, so have I. I don't know exactly what to say here. Hmmm....Well, I'm no longer 16. I turned 17 back in February. I've learned a lot about love and relationships. Love at first sight is a very real thing. However, Romeo and Juliet gave in to lust. Maybe they would have been happy, but they were thoughtless young teenagers. So there are some important lessons to learn from that story still. They are not a couple anyone should emulate, though.
One thing I feel must be said: love at first sight is real, but no relationship can last if a friendship is not built first. Friendship, and friendship without any physical contact, is vital to survival. It's a simple concept, but it is absolutely true. There is no arguing it.
Ok, I have econ homework to do.