
Friday, April 08, 2005

Cinnabon good! Posted by Hello
Ok, there's this quarky little piece of quantum physics that can be slightly disturbing when you think about it. Reality isn't reality unless we're looking at it. Otherwise it's a mess of every possibility possible . The computer screen you're looking at? It's not really there all the time. It's only there when you look at or touch it because reality merges together and focuses into one reality when we sense it. So, I may be completely misconstruing this, but as I see it, we make reality. We really do. Every possibility is made through us. The computer screen is there because we expect it to be there. We want it to there. So if we wanted it to be a flat-panel LCD, could it become one? I think so. I think that makes perfect sense. If we had the willpower, if we had the ability to believe that strongly, if we had a perfect faith that it could happen...
So, we really can move mountains. If we believed strongly enough in a reality that put this mountain over there, it would move over there. Sounds pretty simple, huh? There's just a couple of qualms about everyone else perceiving that move and the fact that as far as we know, no mountain has ever been moved. Well, I figure there is a reason for this. It's not that complicated, either. This is God's universe. He has the ultimate say in how things end up, so a necessary factor in the equation is faith in God. If you believe in him, too, he will help make that possible reality the reality. Everyone will be part of it and only those with honorable intentions will have enough faith in God to do it.
It makes sense to me, but I could be completely wrong here. I could have my understanding of quantum physics wrong and there isn't much to go on as to why faith moves mountains, so I'm not setting my belief in stone. In fact, quantum physics is so complicated and I know so little, I'll place my bet on me being wrong.

Thursday, April 07, 2005

Ok, I'm returning to my blog. Why? Because I think it will be important for college. I'll need to keep in touch with everyone. Well, I'm going to go to bed. Meanwhile, you can write me at Those of you who have my personal e-mail, don't get confused. I don't want that one getting out. I don't like spam much.