Cafe Hayek: Are 'Illegal' Immigrants Illegal?
This is one of the poorest arguments I have ever read. Law is what we actually practice? No! Law is what is on our books. if we don't enforce it, if the people disagree with it, then get rid of the law! If you say that what we do is law and what is on the books is meaningless, then lets get rid of the legislatures. What good are they doing?
Usually I respect this blog, but this post is inane. I'm glad this man is not a lawyer or involved in the government, because we would be in sad shape if he were. This country is a built on laws. Not social customs, which is is calling law, but the codes of law written in the books. Yes there are laws on the books we ignore, but that is simply because they are usually strange laws few people know exist and don't want to go through the effort of getting rid of. The vast majority of written law is enforced as best as humanly possible.
And regarding illegal immigrants. They are illegal. The law says they should not be here. So a lot of people aren't doing anything to get them out. That's because we are wealthy and the costs of those immigrants aren't having a big enough effect for us to do something. If most people don't mind them being here, rather than undermine the rule of law by redefining it, let's change the law. It is vital to the survival of this nation that we remain a nation of laws. If we turned to social custom, chaos will result. I guarantee it. The only way we can support our vast and complicated nation is by recognizing law as what is on the books. Sorry Don, but your argument is one of anarchy and chaos.