
Wednesday, March 10, 2004

I just finished a play called "Inherit the Wind." I think it was one of the best works of literature I've ever written. It showed how our preconceived notions can be vastly different from the truth and that we must always stand up for free will and the ability to find things out on our own, to reason. Blind faith and relying on the word of others is dangerous. In fact, it is about the most dangerous thing there is out there, because it means giving up what sets us apart- our free will, our ability to think. No other animal is like us. We are distinct and if we do our best to protect that free will, that reason, we will remain distinct. If we give in to animal urges and sacrifice our free will for momentary pleasure, we lose our distinction from the rest of the animal kingdom and we demote ourselves to merely beasts. Being only an animal is not the bad thing. They are also creations of God and deserve respect. The bad thing is giving up our divine birthright- giving up the status as children of God. By becoming like animals we give up the chance to become like God. In doing so we lose the chance to have eternal joy. There is so much more to say, but I need to go to bed. Read the play, it will inspire you.

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