
Friday, September 10, 2010

End of Sabbatical

I can thank my friend Scott for this post, along with those that will follow. He asked me the other day if I was still writing on this blog.

“I haven’t posted in months,” I replied.

“That’s too bad. I enjoy reading it.”

This morning I read about a writer’s inspiration from his father. After graduating from college, the aspiring writer sat down with his father and told him, “I want to be a writer.”

The father’s reply was simple and straightforward, “Did you write today?”

“Well, I played baseball and-“

“You’ll never be a writer.”

What that writer’s father taught him that morning is a lesson meaningful to another aspiring writer, philosopher, lawyer, servant of God. If we want to be something, we need to be it now. It reminds me of a talk President Boyd K. Packer gave some years ago about how the best preparation for being a missionary is to be one now.

In the spirit of that message, and thanks to a little praise from a good friend, I’m picking up my blog again. This is my outlet and my practice for what I want to be – I hope it interests you. I hope it causes you to think a little.