
Tuesday, August 19, 2003

Here's a quick post. I've been thinking about people's opinions. I listen and respect the opinions of the people I know and I agree with many. We have great discussions about politics, religion, all that great stuff. I usually come away a little gratified, knowing that I'm not alone in what I think, or I learn something new and my opinion changes. Of course, it's not always like that. I am human and I have disagreements. But they are never serious and I only come away mildly annoyed. And then I read the newspaper. I swear, the letters in the opinions page are put in their specifically to inflame anger. I'll agree with some of them and be able to ignore others, but most of them make me so angry that I can't read anymore. It's all those people who can only complain about what a terrible job Bush is doing and what a crime it was to go into Iraq and men are evil destroyers of the environment and how evil America is. Those are the opinions I don't understand. It would be ok if they offered alternatives. I mean, it's simple. I don't like choice A(representing Bush, or the war in Iraq, anything, you name it) so I propose choice B because...and the reasons are given. But people who just keep harping about choice A, they get on my nerves. If you don't like it, then tell me what's better! If they do that, I probably still won't agree with some of them, but at least they will be a whole lot less annoying.

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