
Friday, August 22, 2003

I fixed my computer. The system finally became so unstable that it completely crashed. I ended up having to reformat my hard drive. Luckily, I was able to back up my files, so everything important has been saved. It's late here, so i'll only write a little. A difficult thought for me lately has been whether we all are equal. We do all deserve the same rights and oppurtunities, but people don't have the same abilities and skills. Have we, as a nation, been taking equality too far? One easy is example of overdoing it is what is happening with women. They have broken a social barrier and been able to vote and work and lots of other stuff, but now they are fighting to remove the woman image from the mother image. Is this a good thing? For all of recorded human existence, women have been the caretakers and men have been the providers. It is in our genes. If you don't see this by the way each sex acts, you've got to work on your observational skills. But, now women are trying to break this pattern. And this is one of the forces out of many that is tearing apart our society. So are men and women really equal? Well, yes, importance wise. But as far as what each of us is best at? No. Men are naturally better at providing for the family and being the head of the household and women are naturally better at taking care of the home and family. That is fact. Sometimes it isn't like that and that's ok, but those are rare cases.

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